Tuesday, 14 August 2012

Mac OSX NoSleep

Little bit of Free Software to give you some control over what happens when you close your MaxBook's lid.


Tuesday, 3 April 2012

Thuderbird SMTP error '5.5.4 Invalid Address' connecting to Exchange server

Using Thunderbird to connect to the Exchange server, I was getting the error:  5.5.4 Invalid Address. Turns out it's something to do with Exchange not liking the EHLO parameter generated by Thunderbird. You can override this value with the following entry in your prefs.js file (change 'smtp1' to whichever is the smtp server you need to fix):

user_pref("mail.smtpserver.smtp1.hello_argument", "your_hostname")

Monday, 27 February 2012

Cygwin cron no password

When you set Cygwin's cron up to run per-user with no password (using cyglsa), then whenever you change your Windows password, you need to:
  1. run Cygwin as the Windows Administrator (right click -> Run as administrator)
  2. run: password -R

Bitlocker in bootcamp Windows 7 on a MacBook Air (late 2010)

The MacBook Air (well at least the 11", late 2010 model) does not have a "TPM" chip, and you'll get an error if you try an enable Bitlocker on the drive. There is a work-around to disable the TPM requirement, though you will need to have a USB key handy every time you boot.

To disable the TPM requirement:
  1. Start the Group Policy Editor
  2. Go to Computer Configuration, Administrative Templates, Windows Components, BitLocker Drive Encryption, and Operating System Drives
  3. Edit the Require additional authentification at startup option
  4. Select the Enable option
  5. Run gpupdate.exe /force
Now you can enable Bitlocker.

UNFORTUNATELY, you then hit a snag with rEFIt not allowing you to boot off the USB key after Windows is installed, and the Bitlocker process requiring you to boot from the USB key to decrypt the drive. So, this process is pointless until rEFIt fixes that bug.