Updating Boot Camp before Windows after the initial installation is complete is the key:
- Setup the partition using Boot Camp. I also use rEFIt to (a) allow installation from a USB drive, and (b) allow me to run Windows 8 in the last partition. You are only allowed 4 primary partitions, but there is a method to install Windows 7 without the extra 100MB partition it wants to create.
- Boot from the USB drive without any network connectivity and install Windows 7 as you normally would. If you have a network cable attached, after the installation is complete, you'll be in a race with the Windows 7 updater to install the Boot Camp update first. If you're using wifi, it's easy, just don't put your password in until Boot Camp is all up-to-date.
- Install the original Boot Camp WindowsSupport program, and reboot as requested.
- Check Windows 7 automatic updating is set to "manual", and enable your network connection.
- Run the Apple Software Update program and install the Boot Camp 3.2 update, and reboot as requested.
- Run the Apple Software Update program and install the Boot Camp 3.3 update, and reboot as requested.
- Install the Windows 7 SP1.
- Install the Windows 7 updates from Microsoft.